
With lighting & stage design Andrejs Dubkovs work from 16 age. During of all it's action formed, produced and realized approx. about a 1 500 various mass enterprise (TV filming, concerts, theatre presentations, arhitectual lighting, rock show tours and others).
Stage design and produced lighting design conceptions, some from them: CHASE & STATUSS, UNREAL festival 2023, "MESA 2020 till 2023","WONDERSALA 2022 & 2023", "LUMEN' world tour "ŠTRAX 2019, 2020", "TET Music awards 2019, 2020", "NG 30" rock opera 2019, "MESA 2018", Rock opera "Lacplesis", "SUMMER SOUND 2017, 2018" Music festival; "World Jazz festival 2017, 2018"; DDT world tour "Histrory of Sound" 2017, 2018, 2019; Lighting show "Forest dream"; "SES light show 2016"; "World Jazz festival 2016"; Band "ZVERI" world tour "No fear" 2016; Riga city Celebration 2015; Wizard Trophy 2015; World Jazz Festival 2015; Band "DDT" world tour "Pellucid" 2014-16; Eurosong Song Latvia 2012-13; Band "Batir" world tour 2013; Band "DDT' world tour "Otherwise" 2011-2013; Band "AGATA KRISTI" world tour "Epilogue" 2011-12;"8th March Cellebration show 2011" Olympisky hall, Moscow; Band "Mumiytroll' from 2000-11 World Tours (Meamuri, Pohititeli Knig, Cinema Tour, Hello & Good By, AMBA, Kontrabanda, Eight);Modern Balle "Buras" from 1998-2015; Band "No Big Silince"; Band 'Chaif" world tour 2009; Band "A - Europe" Europen tour 2002; Show "Rock Against HIV" 2002; "World fitness championsship in Moscow" 2006-07; "World olympic games for children 2002" ;POSITIVUS Music Festival 2010, 2011;TBILISI OPEN AIR Music Festival 2012-13;XXIII Latvian Folk Dance and Song festival (show "My World" in "Daugava" stadium);Misis GLOBE 2002; "LNT Music Video 2000-03" and more others.